Picture of Carter Caves


Two Kentucky State Parks have caving opportunities. Carter Caves State Resort Park has both guided walking tours and wild caving expeditions at multiple caves. At Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park, wild cave tours are available for Cindy Cave.  

Carter Caves State Resort Park

For the current cave tour schedule CLICK HERE then go to the Maps, Menus, More section.


X-Cave has two vertical joint passages that meander through a large layer of limestone, putting you up-close to beautiful cave formations. The name of this cave refers to the configuration of its passages which cross in the center of the cave to form the letter "X". Cave highlights include the Great Chandelier, the largest formation of stalactites in the cave, cave coral, and formation with such tell-tale names as the Giant Turkey, the Pipe Organ and Headache Rock.

Tour information: approximately 45 minutes, ¼ mile long, 75 stair steps and some narrow passages and stooping. During the Winter Months tours are available. 


Cascade Cave is our longest scenic cave tour that is noted for its large chambers and many beautiful cave formations. A highlight of the tour is a 30-foot high underground waterfall as well as the Lake Room’s reflecting pool, the Cathedral in North Cave, and the Dance Hall where a previous owner held weekly dances.

Tour information: approximately 75 minutes, ¾-mile long, easy terrain with exception of over 250 stairs throughout the cave. During the Winter Months tours are available. 


Saltpetre Cave is considered by many historians to be the site of the earliest industry in the area. The cave was used during the War of 1812 as a source of the major ingredient in making gunpowder, Saltpetre, and is currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Discover a fascinating segment of Kentucky’s history as you take a step back in time over 200 years ago. Tour information: approximately 60 minutes, 1/2-mile long, flat walking, some stooping, approximately 30 stairs. Lantern tours of the cave are also offered several times a week. Tours available Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Wild Cave Tours

Wild Cave Tours are NOT recommended for those who are pregnant, suffer from back or joint pain, are claustrophobic, cannot stoop, bend, crawl, or suffer from vertigo.


Bat Cave is the longest cave found within the park. The Bat Cave Walking Tour is a wild cave tour, so the trip is considered rugged and strenuous. The cave is completely undeveloped, it is not electrically lit, and there are no handrails or steps. Plan to get wet and muddy on this tour. You must pass a squeeze test before you go on this tour. You must be at least 6 years old and an adult must accompany those under 16 years old. Guardians will need to sign waivers for children under 18 years of age.


Tour information: approximately 2.5 hours, 2 miles long, prolonged stooping and bending, slick and muddy terrain, plan to get your feet wet, a duck walk is required for approximately 130 feet, a one quarter mile hike above ground required to and from the cave. Helmets and headlamps are provided for the tour. Tours available Memorial Day – Labor Day.

Crawling Tours 

These are the most adventurous and strenuous tours we offer. These tours will visit many small cave passages that require hand and knee crawls and in some instances belly crawls. Other cave passages will require prolonged stooping, bending and scrambling over slick rocks.

• You MUST be at least 12 years old and if under the age of 16 you must be accompanied by an adult.
• Guardians will need to sign waivers for children under 18 years of age.
• We will provide helmets, headlamps, coveralls, and kneepads.
• You should be wearing: hiking boots, shorts, and a t-shirt for under the coveralls.


Approximately 3 hours. Bat cave is wild cave and completely undeveloped. This tour will have you crawling and walking through a lot of muddy and wet cave passages. You will spend much time crawling on your hands, knees and your belly. You will get very muddy and sloppy on this tour. This is considered a strenuous and rugged caving trip and may not be a good choice for some folks. Tours available Memorial Day through Labor Day.


Approximately 3 hours. This tour will be both on the commercial routes of the cave and many of the wild unlit passages of the cave. You will be crawling both on your hands and knees and even doing some belly crawls through dry dusty passages during this tour. The cave is really cold, rocky and dusty. This is considered a strenuous and rugged caving trip and may not be a good choice for some folks. Tours available Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Caves Available For Self Exploration


Two other caves worthy of note at Carter Caves are Laurel and Horn Hollow Caves. Laurel Cave (SEASONAL: May 1-Labor Day) is an undeveloped cave that is formed along a vertical joint. The downstream entrance is located alongside Cave Branch. The upstream end of the main passage is in Horn Hollow, an elevated valley that seldom has water flowing along the valley floor. Instead, the water is underground. Further upstream Horn Hollow Cave (OPEN year round) is found in this dry stream bed. Water flows out of the entrance, forming a large pool that has a picture perfect reflection of the flora and fauna of the area. This is strictly an underground water conduit for Horn Hollow Creek. During periods of heavy rains the underground water conduit fills with water and you begin to see water running in the stream bed on the surface. Both Horn Hollow and Laurel Cave are prone to flooding and on occasion during the spring months and summer, flash floods occur. Laurel Cave is also home to several thousand Indiana Bats and is managed for these bats similar to Bat and Saltpetre Cave.


  • Laurel Cave can only be visited from May 1-Labor Day. Horn Hollow Cave is open year round.
  • You must obtain a permit from the Welcome Center to enter these two caves.
  • The permit is for Laurel & Horn Hollow Caves ONLY!!
  • Permits are available from 9:00 A.M. until 1 1/2 hrs before the Welcome Center closes.
  • You must have at least two people in your group.
  • Everyone in your group must have a flashlight and close toed shoes. (Cell phone LED lights DO NOT COUNT AS A LIGHT SOURCE!)
  • Permits my not be issued due to bad weather conditions & high water levels.
  • Littering or in any way defacing any natural feature will be considered an offense subject to prosecution.
  • Any clothing or object taken into these caves shall not be taken into another cave system outside of Carter Caves. This may help prevent spreading white nose syndrome through the bat community. 

Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park

Feeling adventurous? Explore the underground wonders of Cindy Cave with a wild cave tour led by a knowledgeable guide. You will get wet and dirty, but you’ll have a great time doing it! Fee is $7.00 per person, $5.00 for children 8 and under. Helmet, light and kneepads are provided. Scheduled tours are available Memorial Day through Labor Day. Winter tours for groups of 3 or more can be arranged by contacting Coti Groce at 270-433-7431 or email coti.groce@ky.gov. Self-guided tours are currently prohibited.


White-nose Syndrome

White-nose Syndrome (WNS) is a disease that is killing 70-100% of hibernating bats in infected caves. WNS does not have any effect on humans, livestock or pets. WNS was found February 2013 in some of the Park Caves.


Do not wear the shoes, clothing, or carry objects that you had with you while on a cave tour at Carter Caves into another cave system outside of the Carter Caves area unless they have been decontaminated.


Because of the possibility of White-nose Syndrome contamination, the following are prohibited on cave tours: Camera bags, tripods, strollers, backpacks, luggage, PETS, BAGS of any type, including purses, fanny packs, diaper bags, camera cases, etc. Sandals/flip-flops, etc. Please wear appropriate shoes that cover the entire foot for safety. Bags containing necessary medical supplies are permitted.


All cave touring participants at Carter Caves State Resort Park will be required to walk on bio-mats after exiting the cave tour. This process will require each individual to walk across the length of an outdoor carpet and across a bio mat containing water and possibly Lysol IC mixture. This process has been proven to help prevent the spread of spores. NOTE: Please review these procedures before you purchase any cave tour tickets as refunds cannot be issued at the Welcome Center. Thank you for your assistance with these procedures.